Our difference does not only come from our unique design, colors and hand-crafted laces!

If that isn’t enough to make you feel just great and actually look beautiful; also consider that Tual Cloth is grown and processed to organic standards -without the nasty synthetics or harsh pesticides- is fair trade, hand made and loomed by traditional old-world artisans taking this magical cloth and turning it into heirloom quality, beautiful Tual Wear.

Read on to find out more about Tual fabric…

The Tual collection is based on a very traditional, unique and regional fabric that is woven, dyed and garmented by village women in the Aegean part of Turkey. It is 100% cotton so it’s natural and healthy. No chemical dyes hence environmentally friendly. It is exclusive because all processes from weaving the fabric to finishing touches is hand-made.

The production of Tual fabric is done in workbenches not in automatic machines. The products are sown by the women living in this world famous village and not in factories. So the same products can differ from hand by hand which makes it unique!

Thread of the fabric is made by hand with techniques passed down from generation to generation. Each individual of a family sits in front of the loom. Wooden hand looms are still used. Many of the traditional homes where Tual fabric is created still function as weaving workshops, and every family member has a task. Because of the great strength required, men do the weaving while women spin the thread, decorate the hems of the fabric and make the lace.

The traditional fabric Tual collection is created of, was not only worn by Ottoman Sultans, Kings and Queens of its time but also joined the wardrobes of various contemporary world figures like former US president Bill Clinton, Hollywood stars and state leaders. With its characteristic designs, it is unique and carries the heritage of the past into the present.

The traditional practice of weaving continues today, much of it still by hand. Cotton for weaving is grown locally and wool comes from local sheep. Fabrics and threads are dyed using natural dyes produced from pine and oak trees grown in the local forest.
Hand Loom

Natural dyes from tannin, laurel, walnut leaves, chestnuts, and onion peel, acorns are still often used to make the cotton a golden-yellow color. How the dye is extracted from the acorn changes between expert weavers and is kept a secret by most.

The tunic pieces of Tual are made with “tulbent” and hand-edged with fine lace created by needlework. Tulbent, a cheesecloth-like fabric has been used as a headscarf for centuries in Anatolia and now transformed into resort wear that has become a firm favorite with celebrities such as Cameron Diaz and Paris Hilton. It is a very fine fabric that is so difficult to weave that one can only weave only three feet per day.

Another distinctive feature of Tual collection is its finishing touches, including the lace which originally is a Turkish handicraft dating back to mid-1500s. Click here to find out more on Oya, the Turkish Lacework.

Hand Loom Hand Loom Hand Loom

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